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July 16, 2024

Alli Ball: Founder & CEO, Food Biz Wiz

Alli Ball: Founder & CEO, Food Biz Wiz

Alli Ball, Founder & CEO of Food Biz Wiz, joins Jennifer and Risa on the latest episode of CPG Scoop!

Alli Ball is the founder & CEO of Food Biz Wiz and the creator of Retail Ready®, an online program providing strategic support, curated curriculum, and values-aligned community for producers of packaged products in the food industry. As a former grocery buyer-turned-wholesale consultant, Alli has helped thousands of emerging brands understand what it takes to get on the shelf and have high sales once you’re there.

Our favorite takeaways from this episode with Alli:

  • About choosing "doable" has her word to describe the CPG industry, Alli says that she hopes listeners get out of the cycle of judging themselves for what they should and shouldn't be doing. What's doable for your brand in this season of business?
  • We're seeing experiential marketing coming back little by little post-COVID, and Alli would love to see more of that throughout the rest of the year into 2025.
  • Throughout the rest of the year into next year, Alli thinks we're really going to see this tension behind newer brands saying no to big distribution and bigger retailers saying they still need them in big distribution.